Friday, April 13, 2018

November 9. On this date in 1932, a letter was written on behalf of Shoghi Effendi by his sister Mehranguiz Rabbani to Mariette Bolton, wife of Stanley Bolton. Mehranguiz was later declared a Convenant-breaker by Shoghi Effendi, along with every other of his siblings and first cousins.

Image result for mariette bolton bahai

November 9. On this date in 1932, a letter was written on behalf of Shoghi Effendi by his sister Mehranguiz Rabbani to Mariette Bolton, wife of Stanley Bolton. Mehranguiz was later declared a Convenant-breaker by Shoghi Effendi, along with every other of his siblings and first cousins.

9 November 1932
Mrs. S.W. Bolton, 7410 12th. Street, Detroit Mich. U.S.A.
Dear Bahá'í Sister,
The Guardian wishes me to acknowledge the receipt of your letter dated October 19. He was glad to hear that you have decided to settle for a while in Detroit and lend your valuable assistance to the Bahá'ís there. He is certain that you will help them to spread the Faith and to prepare the people to receive the Message.
Shoghi Effendi deeply appreciates the eminent share that you and your husband are having in the services of the Cause; he has a profound and great confidence in your laborious endeavour, and values your assistance to the important task that he has been charged to fulfil by the Master.
Indeed it would have been for you such a joy to meet the Greatest Holy Leaf during her earthly life, but the Guardian does not wish you to feel depressed about it; this beloved soul will from the Heaven of her Almighty Father guide you to serve the Cause which has been so dear to her. Shoghi Effendi values your sincere sympathy in this irreparable loss; he hopes that we all will follow the example of her saintly life.
The Guardian prays that the three little dear children30 that you are now so devotedly bringing up in the Faith of Bahá'u'lláh will in future, serve in turn the Cause in which they have been so well reared. He will remember you in his prayers at the Holy Threshold of Bahá'u'lláh and will ask the blessing of the Master for this dear united Bahá'í Family.
Please convey the Guardian's Bahá'í greetings to Mr. Bolton.
Yours in His Name, Mehranguiz Rabbani.
Dear co-workers:
Your letter rejoiced my heart. I do not wish you to allow any disappointment, however severe, to cause you to relax in your devoted efforts to promote the Word of God. For your dear children I will pray from the depth of my heart, and will supplicate for your husband the blessings of our departed Master. May he bless richly your family and enable its members to render distinguished services to His Faith.
Your true brother, Shoghi

In 1954, Stanley Bolton would be named a Knight of Bahá’u’lláh for his pioneering to the Tonga Islands.

What has always struck me about the designation of Knights of Bahá'u'lláh is the arbitrariness with which the "virgin territories" were defined. For example, the Cook Islands and Tonga Island, both part of the Realm of New Zealand have distinct sets of Knights, while Niue and the Chatham Islands, also part of the Realm of New Zealand, are Knightless.

Several islands off the coast of Alaska have distinct Knights, like Baranof Island , Kodiak Island, and the Aleutian Islands. Yet other Alaskan islands, like the Pribilof Islands are Knightless.

The Brazilian state of Amapá has its own Knights (for Portuguese Guiana), while the other Brazilian states are Knightless.

Crete and Rhodes have Knights distinct from the Knights of mainland Greece, yet other Greek islands, like Santorini and Samos, are Knightless.

Key West has its own Knight, yet the other Florida Keys are Knightless.

Tiny islands, like Great Manan, have their own Knights. St. Thomas Island has its own Knight, yet the remaining Leeward Islands have one set of Knights, representing numerous politically and geographically independent islands. Similarly, the Windward Islands have one set of Knights, representing numerous politically and geographically independent islands.

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