Friday, March 22, 2019

March 23. On this date in 1954, Shoghi Effendi wrote "The conditions of the world have prepared numerous souls for the light of divine guidance, and it now remains for the Bahá'ís, through their strenuous efforts, to lead these seeking souls to the bourn of immortality."

March 23. On this date in 1954, Shoghi Effendi wrote "The conditions of the world have prepared numerous souls for the light of divine guidance, and it now remains for the Bahá'ís, through their strenuous efforts, to lead these seeking souls to the bourn of immortality."
23 March 1954 [Cynthia and Edgar Olson - United States of America]
...If the Bahá'ís arise with the same spirit of dedication and consecration as those who have gone to foreign fields, victories will be won. Those living in large cities should move to the goal cities of the American continent, and all should teach with enthusiasm.
The conditions of the world have prepared numerous souls for the light of divine guidance, and it now remains for the Bahá'ís, through their strenuous efforts, to lead these seeking souls to the bourn of immortality.
...The Beloved Guardian sincerely hopes that you and your husband will be able to devote yourselves to the interests of the Ten Year Crusade. He feels that the most important service anyone can render is to pioneer in one of the virgin areas of the Crusade...If the National Assembly feels that you can accomplish more for the home-front Crusade by moving to the Wilmette area and assisting in the publicity work on a national scale... the Guardian feels that it will be satisfactory.
Cynthia Olson was Knight of Bahá'u'lláh for the Mariana Islands. She arrived on 2 May 1954, her husband following later.

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