Hossein Rabbani, brother of Shoghi Effendi
Hossein Rabbani with his wife Gerda and daughter Zia 1958
Hossein Rabbani and Bahiyeh Afnan Shahid, brother and niece of Shoghi Effendi 1964
Left to Right: Back Row: Maryam Jalal Shahid, Mehranguise Rabbani; Front Row: Ruhi Mohsen Afnan, Zahra Jalal Shahid, Hossein Rabbani
December 19. On this date in 1949, Shoghi Effendi sent a cable, later also published in the March 1950 issue of Bahá'í News: "Faithless brother Hussein, already abased through dishonorable conduct over period (of) years followed by association with Covenant-breakers (in) Holy Land and efforts (to) undermine Guardian's position, recently further demeaned himself through marriage under obscure circumstances with lowborn Christian girl (in) Europe."
Shoghi Effendi would later defend the use of the term "lowborn Christian girl" as follows: "Regarding his cable concerning Hussein: he has been very surprised to note that the terms 'low-born Christian girl ' and 'disgraceful alliance' should arouse any question; it seems to him that the friends should realize it is not befitting for the Guardian's own brother, the grandchild of the Master, an Afnán and Aghsán mentioned in the Will and Testament of the Master and of whom so much was expected because of his relation to the family of the Prophet, to marry an unknown girl, according to goodness knows what rite, who is not a believer at all."
December 19, 1949
Faithless Brother Hussein
Faithless brother Hussein, already abased through dishonorable conduct over period of years followed by association with Covenant-breakers in Holy Land and efforts to undermine Guardian’s position, recently further demeaned himself through marriage under obscure circumstances with lowborn Christian girl in Europe. This disgraceful alliance, following four successive marriages by sisters and cousins with three sons of Covenant-breaker denounced repeatedly by 'Abdu’l-Bahá as His enemy, and daughter of notorious political agitator, brands them with infamy greater than any associated with marriages contracted by old Covenant-breakers whether belonging to family of Muḥammad-‘Alí or Badí’u’lláh.
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