Tuesday, June 2, 2020

June 2. On this date in 1948, Shoghi Effendi wrote "In spite of the gloom which man's disobedience to the Divine Laws is creating throughout the world, the Bahá'ís must be courageous, joyous and ever-active in spreading the Message of Bahá'u'lláh, for in the end it will triumph and dispel the evil and sadness engulfing mankind."

June 2. On this date in 1948, Shoghi Effendi wrote "In spite of the gloom which man's disobedience to the Divine Laws is creating throughout the world, the Bahá'ís must be courageous, joyous and ever-active in spreading the Message of Bahá'u'lláh, for in the end it will triumph and dispel the evil and sadness engulfing mankind."
2 June 1948
To the Bahá'ís of Esslingen who were present at the Naw-Rúz Feast, 105 B.E. Dear Bahá'í Friends:
Your loving Naw-Rúz greeting only reached our beloved Guardian on May 31st, but he was very pleased to receive it, and to see that so many of the dear believers had gathered together to celebrate that happy Feast day.
In spite of the gloom which man's disobedience to the Divine Laws is creating throughout the world, the Bahá'ís must be courageous, joyous and ever-active in spreading the Message of Bahá'u'lláh, for in the end it will triumph and dispel the evil and sadness engulfing mankind.
He assures you all he will pray for the success of your Bahá'í labours in the Holy Shrines...
In the Guardian's own handwriting:
May the Spirit of Bahá'u'lláh sustain, guide and protect you under all circumstances, cheer your hearts, enable you to extend continually the range of your activities, and aid you to win memorable victories for His Faith and its institutions,
Your true and grateful brother,

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