Sunday, November 28, 2021

November 28. On this date in 1882, shortly after the passing of Khadíjih Bagum, Bahá'u'lláh revealed a Tablet addressed to Núri'd-Dín.


November 28. On this date in 1882, shortly after the passing of Khadíjih Bagum, Bahá'u'lláh revealed a Tablet addressed to Núri'd-Dín.

From "The Afnán Family: Some Biographical Notes" by Ahang Rabbani...

A Tablet was revealed shortly after the passing of Khadíjih Bagum.[21] It is dated 17 Muharram AH 1300 (28 November 1882) and is addressed to Núri'd-Dín.[22] It indicates that while Khadíjih Bagum was sending her final letter to Bahá'u'lláh, the Supreme Pen was in spiritual commune with her and was responding to her message:

…I beseech Thee, O Possessor of all names and Creator of the heavens, to ordain for Thy Afnán[23] that which will protect him from all else besides Thee, and to bestow upon him a measure of Thy patience and to enable him to attain that which is worthy of Thy Days. Thou art the All-mighty, the All-knowing, the All-informed.

Even though the calamitous news of her passing hath set every limb and organ aflame, yet these days are the Days of the Manifestation, and patience must be observed in all situations. This hath been revealed by the One Who is to be obeyed. May the Almighty God adorn all with the robe of His patience. He is sufficient unto all creation.

Praise be to God! Several months ago, a special Tablet was revealed from the heaven of the divine will in honor of the exalted leaf, the most esteemed lady and the most melodious song.[24] This servant [Mírzá Áqá Ján] was lost in thought over what was revealed, yet asked no questions because of His manifest might and sovereignty. A while ago, instructions were issued for a clean copy of that sacred and most holy Tablet to be prepared and sent. Now, considering the content of her letter, it hath become clear that at the same time as she was writing her letter, a response was being revealed from the heaven of divine favor.

[21] For details of the events leading up to the passing of Khadíjih Bagum, see chapter 9.

[22] Bahá'u'lláh, Núri'd-Din Collection, pp. 72–73.

[23] Presumably, a reference to Núri'd-Dín.

[24] A reference to Khadíjih Bagum.

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