Tuesday, April 10, 2018

June 7. On this date in 1939, Shoghi Effendi stated in a letter "there is as yet no such thing as a Bahá'í curriculum" adding in the future one would be "enforced as such throughout the Bahá'í world." According to one researcher, David A. Palmer, the Ruhi Institute has become "the core of Bahá’í community life worldwide as the outcome of a process that has sought to nurture the spiritual life of individuals and families and to establish social foundations for the vision and practice of religious world citizenship."

Image result for ruhi institute logo

June 7. On this date in 1939, Shoghi Effendi stated in a letter "there is as yet no such thing as a Bahá'í curriculum" adding in the future one would be "enforced as such throughout the Bahá'í world." According to one researcher, David A. Palmer, the Ruhi Institute has become "the core of Bahá’í community life worldwide as the outcome of a process that has sought to nurture the spiritual life of individuals and families and to establish social foundations for the vision and practice of religious world citizenship."
715. There is No Bahá'í Curriculum as Yet
"...there is as yet no such thing as a Bahá'í curriculum, and there are no Bahá'í publications exclusively devoted to this subject, since the teachings of Bahá'u'lláh and Abdu'l-Bahá do not present a definite and detailed educational system, but simply offer certain basic principles and set forth a number of teaching ideals that should guide future Bahá'í educationalists in their efforts to formulate an adequate teaching curriculum which would be in full harmony with the spirit of the Bahá'í Teachings, and would thus meet the requirements and needs of the modern age.
"These basic principles are available in the sacred writings of the Cause, and should be carefully studied, and gradually incorporated in various college and University programmes. But the task of formulating a system of education which would be officially recognized by the Cause, and enforced as such throughout the Bahá'í world, is one which the present-day generation of believers cannot obviously undertake, and which has to be gradually accomplished by Bahá'í scholars and educationalists of the future."
(From a letter written on behalf of Shoghi Effendi to an individual believer, June 7, 1939)

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